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Saturday 26 April 2014

My Final Piece

My final piece is a composition of all aspects of my identity and the work which i have previously done in the project. I have mixed together what i believe to be the building blocks of my identity and tried to expand on that, with the face in the middle (Alex Turner) being a person who has inspired me therefore playing a huge role in my life. I have also included things relating to him like the album cover in the bottom left and then i progressed to what I believe to signify identity and I knew immediately that I percieve tattoos to be a sign of identity therefore I have found some tattoos that I am interested in getting in the future and placed my ideas around him signifying that those are part of identity but it is what inspires you which truly makes up your personality.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Using photoshop to develop my ideas

I have taken my images that I have used for my Tracey Emin inspiration then edited these to be more like my own identity and how I believe these images should look like. 

Friday 4 April 2014

Using Photoshop to develop my Ideas

My Developing my own Photos

One of the best ways to show and to create your own identity is to have a tattoo which I believe is one of the best ways to express yourself. People get tattoos to be able to permanently define themselves and is clearly something which is a part of someones identity. I have chosen a few of my favorite tattoo designs and then added them to images, which I have taken, of people who are close to me which again are a part of my identity.

Development Pieces

These are my development pieces, I have tried 2 sketches ; one of them being something I'm interested in (the car) and another (the face) being what I think to be a defining part of a persons identity. Also I have trialed another mono print, again of Elvis Presley, as I thought my first attempt had been very successful so I thought it would be useful to try again. Next I thought that my backgrounds also needed to be developed as I often only used a plain background therefore I thought by using a marbled background which I definitely thought was effective and I think I will use in further pieces. I tried to use paint to develop an image I had however I didn't believe this was as effective due to both quality and my own personal preference of what I want my artwork to be, which is exactly what my project is about 'Identity'. Lastly I chose another figure who is very important to me who is Alex Turner and decided to try some basic line drawing of him and once I had finished this I thought it was a very successful piece which I know I will further edit in the future. 

Tracey Emin - Inspiration and trials

Tracey Emin very much focuses on identity in her artwork and one of her most famous pieces was called 'My Bed' which to me inspires me to think about how much my bed means to my identity and I have used this piece as inspiration to look at the exact current state of my bed and show my current state of identity.  

Luke Dixon - Inspiration and trials

I have tried to use Luke Dixon's work to inspire a piece of my own in which I have used a basic line drawing of Alex Turner who is someone who links to my identity, then I used the style which Luke Dixon has created and uses in his pieces on my drawing.